
Saturday, 19 December 2020

Art colouring book (week 1 summer learning journey) Self-portrait with monkey

This is a project from the summer learning journey,today task was to go on to a website called Art colouring book,Google Art and we got to pick witch famous artist painting that we would like to create this painting that i have picked was called self-portrait with monkey.This piece of art,and piece of painting was made by Frida Kahlo the painting was mad with very old style but i liked the way it expressed that it was Frida with her monkey and how she used so much passionate colours.This painting was made in the year 1983.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

The scary way to school

                                                     A  scary way to school

There was a girl named Amelia, who lived in canada.She and her mother were living a very wild life.When Amelia was 8 years old her father passed away from cancer, so ever since then it was just her and her mother living together alone.

2 years had passed and she had turned  10 years old,Amelia and her mother had been having ruff times but then it kept on getting harder and harder.As Amelia’s mother had to put her daughter into school as it was illegal not to go and her mother didn't want to get into big trouble.The thing that had bothered Amelia and her mother is that Amelia had to risk her life on trying to get to the other side of the missing bridge(the bride had fallen down when there was a huge storm).On the day of  Amelia getting signed up to go to school her and her mother didn't really know how to get to the school but luckily they had bumped in to the man who own the ice cream shop.When they had bumped into each other the mother had said I am so so sorry do you know how to get to the otago primary school then the ice cream man Mike had catering told them how to get there.

As mike the ice cream man had said’’ so only one of use can go at a time’’ Oh no no what if my Amelia falls of or even slips off the mother had replied’’Mike had said’’ well then that is just bad luck ‘’ Bad luck her mother had replied.So then Amiliea and her mother madly stormed off down to the zip line so they could go to the interview for the otago school.Amelia volunteered to go first but her mother had said remember not to look down and to have more grip.When amelia had hopped on and rapped her legs around the zipline her mother had given her a big push and then Amelia was yelling yeah that's right ! 

But then she suddenly had stopped and when she had looked down there was a man the had been holding her from her legs to stop her then he had to go back on to the zip line to go and give it to Amelia’s mother.After her mother had sign Amelia up to  her new school they had gone home.Amelia was so happy to go to school because I get to make new friends and meet my teacher and learn more about my maths and learn how to read and write.When Amelia had furnished collage and graduated she had got a scholar ship to move to the UK and buy any house and clothes when Amelia and her mother had moved to the UK she had made her own business which turned out very impressive and then they had lived happily ever after.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Rainbow ends recount

 Yesterday on the 25th of November the year 7 of pt england school had went on a trip to Rainbow ends.Rainbow ends is a theme park with lots of super rides.In the morning all of the year 7’s had to share their bag with another person and then it was time to have a meeting of what behavior that we would need to have when we are at rainbow ends and what they expected.

Two of my favourite rides that I had went on was probably the spectator and the power surge because it would tip you upside down and spin you all around like you were in a fan that was on the maximum of the fan.The spectator was so much fun (but not when we had to wait in the long line) but then when me and my 4 friends had hopped on to the ride it had started raining sadly ,finally we were strapped into the seats the platform had gone all the way down and we went side-to side and then we had turned upside down instead of me screaming I was laughing.My Friend tonga was telling me to wiggle my face around and then when I nearly slipped out of the seat but i was holding on tight and i wasn't even that scared.

My favourite thing apart from the  rides was that I got lots of food, some hot chips,a drink. I also got a big fat ice cream that tasted like rainbow and that was the name of the ice cream.I had brought 2 drinks one for me and my best friend Leah.The food their was so so expensive like for a medium size lolly bag was$ 4.50 and the drinks where $5.50.The huge ice cream was $5.50 and I was like am I spending all of  my money the total of the food was $15.50.I gave two dollars to Leah because she had only brang $10 and spent $6 on cotton candy.Lorenzo was short on money to buy him a drink so I gave him 1 dollar.Ms Moala was so kind and generous that she had brought the kids in her group all an ice cream

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Secondary and primary colour flower


This is my painting that I had done yesterday so first we had learnt about the primary and secondary colours.The secondary colours are made from the primary colours been when owe started painting  we had made a colour pallet and then traced our shape of what we wanted to make then we cutted it out and put it on to a black piece of paper.

Thursday, 19 November 2020



This task contained me learning how to do algerbra

Rolling Dice

This week we were aloud to work in a group so me and my friends had to go on to the online dice and we got told to highlight how many times we had got a double.

Monday, 9 November 2020



Today for maths we had gotten told to get a bucket and put 2 of the same colours in the bucket but it has to be 6 blocks.So we had six blocks that have two colours so e.g 3 red and 3 green

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Plastic pollution explanation writing


This is my plastic pollution Explanation writing for the week I hope you have learnt something about plastic pollution while looking at my writing,

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

10 Amazing Facts about THE ROCK!


Happy Niuen Language week guys and welcome to Niuen language week so for this Language week I had made a poster of 10 amazing Facts about THE ROCK!

Friday, 16 October 2020

Ko wai o hoa ?


This is my poster of the verse called : Ko wai o hoa which means who your friends .

immersion assembly report

 On Monday the 12th of October it was the first day back of term 4 we had an immersion assembly.A immersion  assembly is when we get told what the theme is for the term e.g Something in the water,and more.

So when all of pt england had all gotten all settled down, Mr Burt proudly had said ‘’We’re Back In The House ‘’ you must be asking yourself why is he saying that? Well the reason he said that is because it has been a long time since covid that we all could be gathered all together since it is level 1.So first Ms Nua, Mr Somerville, and Mr Jacobson had gotten up on stage with some paint in their hands and then they had been painting all of the children were very curious of what they were painting. And We finally had found out what the theme was: it was drumroll Please ART ALIVE!!

After all of that painting that the teachers had done

 Team 1: had introduced what they were learning about and they first tried to create some of the famous paintings such as The Monalisa, unibrow lady and such more, well that's what they are doing and going to be learning about. After Team 1 it was Team 2 to present what they are learning about/doing for art!.

Team 2: is doing art with shapes and different types of colours such as dark colours and bright colours. They’re also doing art on their i-pads, Mrs Gaston was colouring and drawing one of the teachers with dark and bright colours e.g  The bright colour was representing like a happy vibe, with the dark colour it was representing like a negative vibe. 

Team 3: is painting walls and also painting on sheets to create a their own painting using dyes and different colours of paints and mixing the different colours to see what  they make e.g red and blue makes purple

Team 4: They forgot to do their show/video to show to the whole school but luckily Mr goodwin had recorded their google meets so this Term they are learning more about maori patterns and the story behind them.

Team 5: We had done a show that Ms Moala had her first day at her work and she had to hide the people through the museum.So Team 5 is learning about all of the famous artists.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Line Graphs


This week we have been learning about line graphs i have learnt that some line graphs can be higher and lower.

Line Graphs in action


This is one of our task and it was about Line Graphs in actions I had worked with a buddy and her name was Leah.We just had to answer the question what can we tell from this graph and on this sheet we had answered that question and also added some facts.

Andy Worehole


Today we went to room 5 and learnt about Andy Worehole we had got given a piece of paper and a pencil we first had to fold the paper into half and half so it could be in four squares.Then we had to draw four cans of Tomato soup and colour it in with different colour. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Plastic pollution


Task description: is my task for this week so first we had to watch the videos about plastic pollution then we had to do the vocabulary and match the normal words for a more exclusive word that has the  same meaning.

Stop plastic pollution !!

This is my poster about plastic pollution.Plastic pollution is endangering some most of our sea creatures,and soon they might not have a home.On my poster i have written down what i have recently learnt about plastic pollution.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Edvard munch profile

Today is the first day of term 4 and the theme for the term is Art alive and this afternoon we learnt about Edvard munch and what he used to do for a living.For this task we just had to make a profile about Edvard munch.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Taha Whanau

This week is sign language week and we had to make a poster and make a video of  your self doing and spelling your name in sign language.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Covid well being

Today we had to make a covid well being. We first had to pick a picture and write down what we did in like family activity.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Taha Wairua

Today for our whare Tapa wha we choosed to do Taha Wairua we had to find the maori word and transtlate it in Maori and this is the poster that I have made.I hope you have learnt somthing new while reading my poster.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Yoga potions

Todays whare tapa wha challange was we had to do five or less pictures about yoga poses I did the wall sit and some star jumps.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Level 3

This is the secound  task for the Maori Language week and it is about polyfest.

Level 2 Maori math

This week it is Maori Language week.This is our math. Maori the is the level 2 which is a year 3 and 4 level so it was pretty easy.

All day theatre

 Last week Friday we had a program set up for team five which is the year 7 and 8 girls.Room 1,4,5, did the everyday theatre  which it was a special version because since all of the covid things going around we couldn't act or touch the things that the actress had already touched.Then the other activity was Tuvaluan dancing in the hall the classes that had went was 3,2,11 had went to go and learn some Tuvaluan dancing. I was in tha every day theatre  we had the actress soy sauce. The characters names are Maraea,T,Becca,Dave,Brian,Jack all of those characters were random things like T was a bag Jack was a hat,Becca was a book and all lots of things.When we had gotten back from morning tea we had gotten award a lot of bonus points by solving the questions.At the end soy sauce had giving us a card to ring some people if we needed help and a baige it said Game master or something like that.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Valerie adams (Tongan Heroes)

This week for reading we had to make a poster about some Tongan heroes one of the heroes I had picked was the one and only Valerie Adams. In this poster you will lean some facts about Valerie Adams.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Sports of tonga

Tak decruption:Today for our Taha tinana we had to watch some tongan sport videos and retel of what we heard in the videos.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Monday, 17 August 2020

Te ika a Maui

This week we had learnt the myth of how the Island Te-ika-A-Maui had been creeated.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Camp #3

1. If you were to give ideas for next year 7/8 camp what would you suggest?Have choices to do thing.
2.What would you keep?

I would keep the murder mystery and the cup stacking because that is how people deiced to work together.
3.what would you stop?

I wouldn't stop anything because i think it would be fun and will bring the other yr 7's to be working together.
4.what would you add?I would add some trips so

5.why do we have such events?

We have these events so the year 7's can learn how to be leaders and how to step up and be role models for younger people.

My step up highlight

Last week their was a year 7 step up program at school Ms Illoa ,Ms Moala,and whea Kelly had set this program up so while the year 8's where at camp we had something to do.We had a couple of year 8's that had stayed back at school so they where now the teacher helpers.Their was 3 groups the name of the groups are Strikers,Duck life,Thunder.

My favourite thing about the year year 7 step up program is the cup stacking with Ms Illoa because we had to get into a group of 4 we had to make a castle.We had to run around the table and stack the cups in the shape of a castle and but them back into the place they where before.The other thing we had done was get a cookie and place it on our forehead and try and get it into your mouth without the help of your hands.

The reason I liked ,doing the cookie on your fore head and try getting it  your mouth is because you get to see the  other peoples funny faces and also you got to use your face musels. The cup stacking was hard and fun why because you had to try and not  knock down a cup or cups.

Captain reflection

This morning  we had a sharing time where the year 7 and 8 leaders from camp and the stepl up program got to tell us what their highlight was and  what they liked about  their team and if they had improved.
Here are 5 things that the year 8's had talked abut:
1.encouraging team member
2.scared so slept together
3.Gun shots at night
4.coming out of comfort zone
5.worked together

Here are 5 thing the year 7's had talked  about:
1. some people that are not captains but have  acted like one
2.Never giving up
3.cheering each other
4.communicating and make new friends

Friday, 31 July 2020

Math whizz

This is my math whizz post.This week we had to get atleast 3 progressions but I had gotten 4.My goal for next time is to get more than 5 or 5 i am a pro on math whizz.

Pass port

Myths of the world

Today for inquiry class we had to get all of the flags that  we learnt myths about and do some symbols for some words.

Keeping on top with my well-being

Today in class we had to make a poster of what whare tapa wha we have been looking afther.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Hexagon -problem solving

Today in maths we had gotten some triangles with military and strandard time on them we had to make the shape of a hexagon with the triangles.Today I learnt how to read some  time.I need to work on how to understand more of the military  time.I am confident that i know how to read standard time.

Friday, 24 July 2020

The watcher of the south

Today I travelled to south Africa and I learnt about the legend called the watcher of the south.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Dragon's eye lake

This whole entire week I have been travelling through worlds and today I travelled to the countries Croatia.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Turkish Lolly

Today after morning tea Ms Stone gave us some Turkish delights they are from Turki.I don't like the lolie because it is too much powder on it.I would like to say thank you to Ms stone for giving us the lolly's.

Cambodian Myth of Lightning,Thunder and rain

Today we had two rotations this is our second rotation so we learnt about Cambodian  and watched a movie that was a myth the name of the movie was lightning,thunder and rain.

Greek gods

 Today for inquiry we learnt about the Greek gods.Some Greek gods even ate their own child.we mostly learnt about zues.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Paul Bunyan

Today we got to colour in a map and learn the states of where Paul Bunyan Has travels 

A World of difference !!

Today was the start of Term 3. There was an  Immersion Assembly at Pt Eng
land School. 
Mr Burt shared facts about his life and his family's history.  Mr Burt and his
family  have traveled around the world and collected  different types of hats. 
At our school there were 5 items held from different teams in our school.
There are Topics that they are going to talk about and learn during this term.

Team 1: Their topic for this term is learning about different types of food
they eat in other countries and how they get to school and also what Their
Morning routine is at school.

Team 2: Team 2 is Learning about different countries around the world, but
they are starting off with New Zealand then they are going to explore the
rest of the world.

Team 3: Team 3 did an Amazing race. They are learning about traveling to
different places in this global world.

Team 4: Team 4 is using Google Earth to learn about different countries
and about different types of food.

Team 5: Team 5 is Learning about  Myths from around the world.
We are also going to learn about Sina and the eel and what the legends
and Myths about this amazing story.

I would like to thank all of the teachers for making this term's topic
possible .

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Blog archive

Today we got told to look at our Blog archive.This year I got 94 but  since I am posting this I am going to have 95.My goal for next year is for me to get up to at least 100 post.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Kio-rahi recount

This morning room 1 and 5 went outside
to the hard cort and played kio-rahi.Half of
room 1 versus half or room 5.

Half of room 1 went with Ms vaafusuaga and
the other half went with Tyson.There was a
yellow,green,pink,and purple team.I was in the
green team.There was a attack and defense
team.I was the ,defense so when our team got
the ball we ,had to touch two,bins and put it by
the tupu without getting our tags ripped off.

The first game was so competitive the pink
team was in the lead but then when the year
8 boys went to the meeting for camp.My Tea
started to win where the Team that had to
throw the ball at the tupu we got about 18
points and the other got 11.

For the second game we had to walk
over to the junior side because that was
where Ms vaafusuaga  set up her kio rahi.Ms
vaafusuaga court was smaller than Tyson’s.
Instead of having bins to tough it was the work
cones.I finally got to  get a try by touching one
of the cones with the ball.It was a tight match
but the other team won.

After I have played and experienced how to
play ki o-rahi the next time I play I am going to
spread out and try to rip the other teams tags off.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Animation about thne water cycle

This is my animation for term 2 and this about the water cycle,I hope you like it please leave me a comment of what you liked about my animation.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

decimals using dollars and coins

This is another number line  decimal from some people from the university of Auckland. But there is a twist with it is just that it includes money.

Adding decimals

Here is an slideshow of how to add decimals so I first had to draw the number line and then answer the question.

Kio rahi

For my create task  for today is that I had to go on google drawing and draw a kio rahi field.There are sertain places such as Te Ao,Tupu, and such more.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Adding decimals with decipipes

A few days ago Mrs Moala had taught a couple of kids, how to add decimals with decipipes and I was one of them.When we where about to go she had told us, there was an assignment which was ? ,We had to pick a person and teach them how to add decimals with decipipes. So the person that I have chosen, is Nahea. So before we shooted the video ,I had to teach Nahea how, to add decimals(it was very complicated).Up top is a video of me and Nahea adding decimals.Now afther talking with Mrs Moala I now know that the ones where supposed to be hundreds .

Writing decimals

Today we got a decimal task from some people at the university of Auckland.These  people are tanning to be teachers.The task was changing the decimals in to fractions.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Understanding decimals

This slide show is about understanding decimals.We had to colour in the amount of what the decimal was meaning.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Matariki knowledge Building

Today for reading we did a sheet of what we already knew,what i knew, what I learnt.We first read a story and then did a create task.What do you know about Matariki?

Monday, 15 June 2020

Reflection on isolation

While I was in isolation due to covid-19.I was doing online school.It was very
boring nothing to do but it was good to experience what ,it feels like when
you can't leave you house/bubble.I was in isolation with my parents and my
grandparents.My parents did a huge shopping so we wouldn't need to do any
more shopping.The huge shopping was meant to last until the lock down is over.

Join the lock down I did the taha challenge and the eater learning journey.On online school we had meetings to discuss what we where going to do.We had meetings at 9:00,11:30,9:30 in the morning.When it was going down to level 3 my parents had to go back to work.So I had to go back to my grandparents house.I always got woken up at 6:00 in the morning just to get ready for online school.

Task description:Today I did a writing task which was to write a reflection on what happen in isolation.The twist was that you had to set 20 minute timer.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Multiplication and division integers

This is the poster I have made about multiplication and division integers.

What is the Biosphere ?

This slide deck is about biosphere.The bioshphere is all of then spheres.

Air pollution

This slide deck is about air pollution.Air pollution is when cemicals get mixed with the air.

Congratulations Mr Burt

Today at the school assembly we congratulated
Mr Burt for his award that he had gotten from
the queen.Mr Burt got an award for his service
to primary education.

At the assembly there was all of the
students that went to Pt England school,and
the board of trustees from of
the rangatahi and prefects said a prayer and a
thanks you on behalf of the whole school.

Then the whole of team 5 went to stand up
to sing a Samoan song and then the whole
school sang a Maori Waiata.I am so proud of Mr
Burt for getting a award from the queen
because he is one of the kindest man
I have ever known.Mr Burt is a good man he
has helped out with a lot. of people like he has
paid for camps,and chromebooks. Mr Burt has
said’’I couldn't have done it without Mrs Burt
(his beautiful wife).

                    THANK YOU MR BURT !!

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Integers on a number line

This week we learnt about integers on a number line.I learnt that a number line has a positive line and a negative

Monday, 8 June 2020

Main ideas

Today for reading I was with Aaliyah and Nahea for the task we had to watch a video which we had 7 choices to choose from.The video we chooses was Matariki myth after that we had to do important ideas.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Properties of shapes

This week we have been learn about quadrilaterals and different shapes.We have  learnt the properties of shapes.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Monday, 18 May 2020


This task I learnt about rotations,reflections,translation.Out WALT:identify whether a shape has been translated,reflected,rotated.

Identifying shapes

This week we have been learning how to identify shapes.There are like polygon and other things.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

No hea koe? ( Te reo)

For this te reo maori we learnt how to say where we are from or where we come from.No hea koe?

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

lines of symmetry in my name

Here is how much lines of symmetry in my name I tried with this app called Eaglecat. I have 5 line of symmetry in my name.